Eastern Foot Massage

A gorgeous complete foot and lower leg treatment to benefit your whole being. Alongside Swedish massage strokes, I will use a crystal foot wand to ease areas of tension and work key acupressure points and reflex zones on your feet.

Complete Treatment 

In Eastern culture, the feet are seen as a microcosm of the whole body, so working key points on the feet can help bring vitality to your major organs. Eastern foot massage seeks to clear energy pathways and improve your circulation and nerve function.

The treatment activates your circulation and helps to remove congestion and blockages from energy pathways in your body. This supports the body’s self-healing mechanism which in turn will help you to maintain your wellbeing.

The benefits of Eastern foot massage include:

• Improved circulation in the legs
• Stimulates lymphatic drainage
• Helps boost your immune system
• Reduces stiffness
• Supports your sleep
• Helps to reduce stress, pain and anxiety
• Improved functioning of your major organs
• Accelerated healing

Talk to us to

find your flow

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contact us

07875 261096

find us

Restdale House, 32-33 Foregate Street, WR1 1EE

Monday: 9.30am – 7pm

Tuesday: 9.30am – 6pm

Wednesday: 9.30am - 1.30pm

Thursday: 9.30am – 8.30pm